Date of publication: 15.03.2024 14:50
Date of changing: 15.03.2024 14:55

Contact information on the provision of public services


Name of Department office phone number with code 
1 Department of State Revenue for the Abai region  Public Services Department 8(7222)36-22-22  (1403,1404,1405)
2 Semey City State Revenue Department   Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(7222)35-49-03           
3 Department of State Revenue for Ayaguz district Department of Tax Control and Collection  8(72237)3-60-05
4 Department of State Revenue in Kurchatov  Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72251)2-76-08         
5 Department of State Revenue for the Zharma district   Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72347)6-58-58
6 State Revenue Department for the Abai district  Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72252)9-17-76        
7 Urdzhar District State Revenue Department   Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72230)3-35-71     
8 tate Revenue Department for Borodulikhinsky district   Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72351)2-12-72             
9 State Revenue Department for Kokpekty district Department of Tax Control and Collection  8(72348)2-22-63              
10 Department of State Revenue in Beskaragai district  Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72236)9-10-90
11 Department of State Revenue for the Aksuat district  Дistrict Department for Work with Taxpayers 8(72346)2-19-10